When you factor in the the long-term costs of glasses, contacts, cleaners, and solutions - expenses that can easily total thousands over the years - LASIK can actually save you money in the long run.
Better Vision is Budget Friendly
Take a moment to really think about how affordable LASIK is. You could have LASIK for the same price that a morning coffee would cost you for a year. You could ditch eating out all the time and put that spending into an investment for better vision. Even more surprising, LASIK is less than the cost of the average cell phone bill or electric bill each month.

Daily Cup of Coffee
$5 day = $1,825 year

Lunch Takeout
$20 day = $200 month

Cell Phone Bill
$160 month = $1,920 year

Electric Bill
$200 month = $2,400 year

How Much is Your Vision Worth?

*Other Improvement prices based on national averages. Prices may vary. Refractive Cataract Surgery and LASIK pricing per eye. Prices subject to change. †Financing on approved credit.