Understanding Cataracts
A cataract is a “clouding” of the natural crystalline lens inside your eye. It is similar to a fogged-up lens inside a camera. There are many causes of cataract development, including inherited diseases and diabetes. Most are thought to be caused by sunlight exposure over many years, but cataracts can occur at any age, even in newborn babies.
When the cataract creates difficulty with visual tasks, is causing glaucoma, or is otherwise endangering the eye, we remove it using a surgical procedure called phacoemulsification with implantation. Many steps of the cataract surgery can now be performed by a computer driven laser system, delivering accuracy and precision far beyond that capable by the human hand. Dr. Ferguson was the first Ophthalmologist in Kentucky to perform femtosecond laser cataract surgery, having been selected by Optimedica as their surgeon of choice to introduce this unparalleled technology. Additionally, both Drs. Ferguson and Wörtz introduced the LensAR femtosecond laser in this region, which provides unique advantages in the correction of astigmatism.
Phacoemulsification with implantation is the most advanced technique for the removal of cataracts. Via a tiny incision, Dr. Ferguson or Dr. Wörtz removes the cataract by using an ultrasonic tip vibrating at more than 40,000 times per second, and implants a permanent intra-ocular lens.
This implant, specifically selected for you, focuses light the way your natural crystalline lens did before it developed into a cataract. In many cases, the implant focuses the light better than your natural crystalline lens and can correct astigmatism, aberrations, and can provide some near vision in selected cases. This implant also has an ultraviolet filter to protect the retina in the back of your eye from sunlight injury.
The incision self seals and requires no sutures. Topical anesthesia, or drops alone, makes the standard painful injections unnecessary. The entire procedure requires less than 10 minutes and the recovery period is a mere three weeks.
Cataract surgery, the most successful surgical procedure in all of modern medicine, is highly effective in the safe restoration of vision.
Intraocular Lenses
Commonwealth Eye Surgery offers both standard and advanced technology implants. If you need help in your decision, please discuss it with our doctors and staff. New Technology lenses are an investment in your vision which pays “dividends” the rest of your life.
Standard Lens Implants—give good vision at distance or near, but not both. There is a 95% chance that you will need reading glasses and may require distance correction. There is no additional charge to you for this lens, which is covered by your insurance.
Toric Lens Implants—provide sharper unaided distance vision than all other implants if you have astigmatism, but you will require reading glasses for near work. There are also additional out-of-pocket expenses associated with this lens.
Here is a link to our visual target form for you to review prior to your evaluation to assist in making the decision on which lenses choice meets your lifestyle and visual goals.
EDOF: Extended Depth of Focus
The Vivity and Vivity Toric (for patients with astigmatism) is an example of an extended depth of focus intraocular lens. In our experience, it has provided the best overall range of vision with the fewest unwanted side effects. It is engineered to provide excellent distance vision, with a limited incidence of bothersome glare and halos. Most patients will see some halos, glare or spider web light effects at night, especially in the first few months after surgery. These disturbances are typically mild, and get better over time as the brain gets used to the way the lens provides the vision. These lenses help patients achieve excellent intermediate and some near vision as well without loss of distance vision. Also, because of the way the light is focused, it is less common to require a secondary laser refractive surgery after cataract surgery for fine-tuning.
Full Range Tri-focal Lens Implant
The PanOptix and PanOptix Toric (for patients with astigmatism) trifocal lenses are for patients who desire a full range of vision from near, to intermediate to far. This is the first FDA approved trifocal lens and provides the widest range of vision of any lens on the market. The lens is able to achieve this by distributing light to different focal points through diffractive technology. This technology is well tolerated by most patients, but there will be some glare and halos around lights, more noticeable at night, that can take some time to get used to. However, after the adaptation, most of our patients experience a high degree of satisfaction and freedom from glasses for most of their daily life.
Lens Simulator
Explore our lens simulator that provides you with an accurate representation of your vision after cataract surgery. Our simulator enables you to experience how different intraocular lenses (IOLs) - used to replace your eye's natural lens during surgery - impact your vision. By visualizing the effects of each IOL, you can make a well-informed decision that aligns with your visual needs and lifestyle.
The LensAR Femtosecond Laser- The Ultimate in Precision Cataract Surgery
The LensAR Femtosecond laser is FDA-approved for use in cataract patients. This ultra-short pulse laser creates incisions, reduces astigmatism, precisely opens the cataract, and softens the center of the cataract before the surgery actually begins. The surgeon simply opens the computer created incisions, evacuates the cataract, and implants an artificial lens.
The degree of precision and accuracy is exquisite, and cannot be consistently replicated by the surgeon’s hand. Once programmed, the femtosecond laser automatically creates perfect arcs and incisions, painlessly, which are customized to the individual patient’s needs. And although highly skilled surgeons may be threatened by the technology, it will quickly become the standard of modern cataract surgery.
The femtosecond laser uses technology incorporating one of the fastest existing reactions in nature. To appreciate how short a time period a femtosecond is, consider that one femtosecond is to one second, as one second is to 37 million years!
Commonwealth Eye Surgery is proud to have been selected by both Optimedica as the flagship ophthalmic surgical practice in Kentucky for the introduction of the LensAR Femtosecond Laser to offer the highest degree of accuracy in astigmatic correction.
YAG Capsulotomy
About 30% of cataract patients eventually demonstrate a clouding of the capsule, the back surface of the cataract intentionally retained for support of the lens implant. If this cloudiness compromises your vision, the YAG laser can painlessly restore your vision in a matter of minutes.