Commonwealth Eye Surgery is a Proud Supporter of the 2011
April 12, 2011What the Brain Saw…
April 19, 2011When it comes to choices for lens implants used for cataract and refractive lensectomy surgeries, the “lifestyle implants” that give patients the best chance of limiting their dependence upon glasses and contacts are gaining popularity. The 2 types of “lifestyle implants” are “accommodating implants” and “multifocal implants”. A recent study published in the October 1, 2010 issue of Ophthalmology Times compared higher order aberrations and image quality in these 2 different lens groups. The results of the study are as follows:
- Accommodating lens implants (Crystalens) provide better distance image quality than multifocal implants (ReZoom, ReStor, Technis).
- Multifocal implants are more susceptible to astigmatism because their image quality is poorer than that of a monofocal aspheric implant
- Astigmatism > 0.5 diopters dramatically reduced depth of field in the multifocal implants
- Large pupil size was associated with profound higher order aberrations in the multifocal implants
- Contrast sensitivity was markedly decreased with the multifocal implants
The bottom line is that you and/or your family members have choices when it comes to the implants that are used during your cataract or refractive lensectomy surgery. So, do your homework and talk to your local eye doctor to help determine which lens is correct for you.