Eye-Tracking Glasses Bring Sci-Fi to the Supermarket
March 3, 2011
Day of Lasik Surgery
March 7, 2011This is a blog post made by one of our LASIK customers. Stephanie gave us a walk-through write-up of her LASIK experience at Commonwealth Eye Surgery and we wanted to share her experience with you….
Today I am having a LASIK Evaluation to determine if I am a candidate for LASIK eye surgery. This evaluation process is very thorough and makes me feel so comfortable about my decision to have this procedure! I’ve been a glasses-wearer for about 10 years, and typically wear my contacts during the day. The contacts are starting to cause problems with dryness and tired eyes, so I try to wear my glasses from time to time. Truthfully, I hate glasses. They steam up when you walk in and out of the cold, you can’t see in the shower, you can’t see to watch TV late at night for fear of crushing the lenses…. All reasons why contacts are a better choice for me. But now that those are giving me problems, and those problems will continually get worse with age, I believe that now is the right time for me to have LASIK.
The evaluation itself consists of several tests, some done with computerized technology. The first is the Orbscan; this is a simple machine that measures the thickness of the cornea. You gaze into a series of flashing lights, almost like you were being hypnotized, and the test is over in a matter of seconds. Several other tests are conducted, each lasting only a few seconds. They were easy!
After the computerized testing, the optometry technician checks for peripheral vision and tear production. A dyed string is inserted into the eye for 15 seconds to measure eye dryness and tear production. I can’t say it is the most comfortable thing to have strings in your eyes, but it is over before you know it!
The optometrist then performs a series of eye exams, much like what you would experience when getting fitted for glasses or contacts. Dr. Findley asked: “Which is better, clearer, darker… 1 or 2.” After getting a clear picture of my eye and the strength of correction needed, I had my eyes dilated. With the dilation, the optometrist can get a clearer picture of the pupil size to determine specifics for the LASIK procedure. He checked my retina to make sure that it looked healthy and once again, showed me a series of lenses and I was asked to determine which was the clearest. The entire exam can last from 1 hour to 2 hours, because there are so many different specifications that factor into whether someone is a good candidate for LASIK.
After going through all of this today, Dr. Findley recommended me fore LASIK without reservation. My surgery is scheduled for later this week, and I could not be more excited! I did have a few concerns…. One concern is about dry eyes. I’ve heard others complain of dry eyes for days, even weeks, after the procedure. To plan for this, Dr. Findley prescribed me Restasis eye drops, which will help with my tear production and quell any dry eye symptoms. My other concern was with night driving after the surgery. I’ve heard of some people having problems with glares and halos after LASIK. Dr. Findley explained that this is normal at first, and will gradually get better over time as my eyes heal and adjust. Most CES patients do not complain of long-term glares with night vision.
Since I am having this surgery at a young age, I should expect to enjoy the next 20 years of my life without glasses or contacts. The need may arise someday for reading glasses, and I am okay with that. I’m looking forward to the day when I can wake up and see my alarm clock!
View all of Stephanie’s Lasik Evaluation posts as they are published – HERE